الرئيسية » أخر الاخبار » “Funding Research Grants” by Dr. Alaa Shahin

“Funding Research Grants” by Dr. Alaa Shahin

 عرض المنحة  ALU-08


The DAAD Kairo Akademie is kindly encouraging you to apply for the upcoming Module
„Funding Research Grants”
by Dr. Alaa Shahin
on 10 October 2016, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

at the premises of DAAD Cairo Office
To apply for the module please create your user account on the DKA website http://dka.daadcairo.org/
and then apply for the module on the following link http://dka.daadcairo.org/upcoming-modules
As places are limited, we kindly ask you to register latest by
08 September 2016



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Information Technology Unit - ITU

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