الرئيسية » أخر الاخبار » Invtation To Workshop

Invtation To Workshop


To Workshop

Office of International cooperation, under supervision of Prof. Warda Youssef, the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Prof. Abeer Saad Eswi, the Vice Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research, would kindly like to invite the university current and emerging academiac staff members to workshop of

Current neuropsychiatric disorders: The relevance of the oxidative stress status

implications to healthcare practice


Dr. Ciobica Alin

Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience

Faculty of Biology

AlexandruIoan Cuza University

Iasi, Romania


Date: Wedensday 2nd of Novamber 2016

Time: 9.00 am -1.30 pm

Place: at the Faculty of Nursing- Cairo University



To attend the workshop please registerthrough this link 


Or through the Web site of the College 

As places are limited, we kindly ask you to register latest by

22October 2016


If you have any inquiry please call us


Secretary Mobile.                                              Coordinator’s mobile

01011800970                                                             01149495552


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