الرئيسية » أخر الاخبار » GE-SEED – German Egyptian Mobility Program for Scientific Exchange and Excellence Development

GE-SEED – German Egyptian Mobility Program for Scientific Exchange and Excellence Development

Cairo University

GE-SEED – German Egyptian Mobility Program for Scientific Exchange and Excellence Development
                                          Deadline  05.12.2016
           Open Call
       Science and Technological Development Funf STDF Source      

Undergraduate – MSc – Ph.D.

Types of grants

The following documents are required

. Application form found on the following link: www.stdf.org.eg

. CVs of all Egyptian and German team members

. Ethical Declaration

. Publication list of the Egyptian and German PIs

. Endorsement letter from the Egyptian PI’s institution

. Gantt chart showing the timeframe for conducting the project tasks/activities

Application Requirements

Two years

Project duration

.      A concrete and sound research proposal must be submitted.

.      The Pl should be a Ph.D. holder.

.      On the Egyptian side, only Egyptian researchers are eligible for a mobility grant to Germany. Also, the researchers must be affiliated to an institution which has an Egyptian legal identity.

.      Parallel applications of teams, team members or PIs during the same funding period are not permitted.

.      -In cases where a team/team member has been previously awarded a GE-SEED grant, he/she may apply for a new grant through the GE-SEED Program only after the completion of his/her previously funded project. In this case a report of the success of the previous project has to be submitted together with the new application.

.      -Quality of the project is one of the main criteria for accepting a project, but involvement of young scientists will be given preference if applicable.

.       – All relevant documents must be submitted (such as ethical committee approval)

Eligibility and Project participants
The total funding requested from the Egyptian and the German side respectively must not exceed 15.000 EURO per project per year and it will be distributed as follows:

For Egyptian Scientists 

Senior and post-doctoral scientists

Period Allowance covering living and accommodation expenses 
up to 15 days up to 15 days 140 € per day
15-30 days 100 € per day up to 15 days 140 € per day

Junior scientists Master and PhD candidates

Period Allowance covering living and accommodation expenses
up to 15 days 120 € per day
15-30 days 90 € per day
longer than 30 days 1400 € per month



More information at ESDF

International Relations Office

Phone:- 02 35764760


More information at Cairo Uni





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