الرئيسية » أخر الاخبار » „Debate Workshop- How to Formulate and Structure an Argumentation”

„Debate Workshop- How to Formulate and Structure an Argumentation”

The DAAD Kairo Akademie is kindly encouraging you to apply for the upcoming Module

„Debate Workshop- How to Formulate and Structure an Argumentation”

by Mr. Christian Achrainer

on 18 December 2016, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

at the premises of Faculty of Nursing- Cairo University

To apply for the module please create your user account on the DKA website http://dka.daadcairo.org

and then apply for the module on the following link http://dka.daadcairo.org/node/405

as it is a private announcement

And Please inform the candidates that there are some technical issues on the DKA website while creating a new account, So we advise to send directly on the following email: Kairo.akademie@daadcairo.org if they have any problem during the registration.

Please note that the application for the module is only possible if you have a personal account on the DKA website.

The announcement link is a private announcement. This means the module is not visible for public on the DKA website.

The application is only possible via this link above.

As places are limited, we kindly ask you to register latest by

10 December 2016


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